The Serial Position Effect refers to our tendency to remember the first and last items in a series best.

For trade show marketers, this means strategically placing key messages and calls to action at the beginning and end of your interactions with attendees.

Start strong with a compelling introduction and leave a lasting impression with a memorable closing statement or takeaway. This approach ensures your brand stands out in attendees' minds.

Carfax_Grand Welcome

Imagine walking into a busy trade show. As you approach a striking booth, a friendly representative greets you with a warm smile and says, "Welcome! We're excited to show you how our innovative solutions can transform your business."

This compelling introduction immediately captures your interest. 

After exploring the booth and interacting with the exhibits, you're about to leave when the representative hands you a sleek branded brochure, or a giveaway that you've earned through an interactive installation 😉, and says, "Before you go, here’s a special offer just for THIS trade show's attendees."

This strategic placement of key messages at the beginning and end of your interaction leverages the Serial Position Effect.

Carfax_Memorable Experience

You walk away,  remembering the brand and its offer. The positive first impression and memorable closing statement make you more likely to follow up and engage further with their brand.

Want to learn more about Cognitive Biases in trade show marketing? Check out our post about the Halo Effect here.

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