Strategic Partnership


  • The Challenge expand_more
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    Values Driven

    Steelhead's partnership with Cox Automotive emerged from their imperative to cultivate a more sustainable event program. Faced with the challenge of aligning their event practices with the ethos of Cox Conserves, Cox Automotive sought a partner capable of realizing their vision for environmentally responsible events.

  • The Solution expand_more
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    Access Over Ownership

    Though a challenge, there was jus no way Cox Automotive could continue with the traditional ownership model of using outdated owned assets or worse trashing assets after every event. 

    Recognizing Steelhead Production's reputation for excellence in sustainable event solutions, Cox Auto engaged our services to streamline their event planning process. 



  • The Process expand_more
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    Making The Move

    So how do you take an exhibitor with more than a dozen different brands and over 20,000 square feet (about four times the basketball court area) of exhibition space at one event and migrate them to the Access Model when they own all their exhibit assets?

    We started the process by doing an in-depth interview with the sales and marketing leaders to better understand the vision, goals, and strategy for 2020. Armed with that information, we hosted a Design Input Meeting where we dug deeper into the qualitative - brand, look and feel, and the tactical requirements that would bring the Cox Automotive vision to life. And for the past four years, we’ve done just that.


Values Driven

Steelhead's partnership with Cox Automotive emerged from their imperative to cultivate a more sustainable event program. Faced with the challenge of aligning their event practices with the ethos of Cox Conserves, Cox Automotive sought a partner capable of realizing their vision for environmentally responsible events.


Access Over Ownership

Though a challenge, there was jus no way Cox Automotive could continue with the traditional ownership model of using outdated owned assets or worse trashing assets after every event. 

Recognizing Steelhead Production's reputation for excellence in sustainable event solutions, Cox Auto engaged our services to streamline their event planning process. 




Making The Move

So how do you take an exhibitor with more than a dozen different brands and over 20,000 square feet (about four times the basketball court area) of exhibition space at one event and migrate them to the Access Model when they own all their exhibit assets?

We started the process by doing an in-depth interview with the sales and marketing leaders to better understand the vision, goals, and strategy for 2020. Armed with that information, we hosted a Design Input Meeting where we dug deeper into the qualitative - brand, look and feel, and the tactical requirements that would bring the Cox Automotive vision to life. And for the past four years, we’ve done just that.

The Outcome

Most recently at NADA 2024, Cox Auto displayed eight brands that expanded their footprint to over 28,000 sq. ft. Serving as the pinnacle marketing environment at the show, this village of brands boasted a seamless flow, striking architecture elements, static and dynamic LED graphics, creating a visually impactful environment. 

"Steelhead has demonstrated repeatedly that we selected the right partner for our exhibit design and execution.  They have taken our largest exhibits to another level, allowing our sales team to have the most successful onsite show to date, while delivering on our smaller shows when we’ve pushed them to find cost efficiencies and innovation at the same time. Their company values, especially the focus on sustainability, align closely with our Cox culture and values, which comes across in the quick understanding of our business and how we operate. But my favorite quality of Steelhead is the people. Everyone is such a pleasure to work with and has so much passion behind what they do and how they can help Cox. I highly recommend Steelhead Productions for your business as well."

- Lauren, Events and Tradeshows, Cox Automotive

Cox Automotive's Booth Evolution

A glimpse at some of our work for our friends at Cox Automotive. 

Ready to make your next event unforgettable?