Only 15% of trade show exhibitors have strong confidence in their ability to measure their success​​

(Measure of Success, EXHIBITOR, 2023). 


This staggering statistic shows us a critical issue in the trade show industry: the lack of effective metric utilization. As competition for attention increases, understanding and leveraging key performance indicators (KPIs) is no longer optional—it’s essential for survival and success in the trade show arena.

For the 85% of us who struggle with this, the good news is: you're not alone. Implementing effective metrics doesn't have to be another overwhelming task on your to-do list. With the right strategy and support, it can be streamlined and highly impactful.

The Importance of Setting Clear Objectives

Metrics matter because they provide a roadmap for success. Without clear objectives, it's impossible to clearly measure the effectiveness of your trade show efforts. Setting KPIs at the outset allows you to define what success looks like, whether it’s generating a specific number of leads, increasing brand awareness, or driving sales. Establishing these metrics creates a foundation to build a strategic and effective trade show plan.

Common Challenges in Utilizing Metrics

Despite the obvious benefits, many companies struggle with setting and meeting their KPIs. The challenges are multifaceted:

  • Lack of Organizational Alignment: Different departments within a company often have conflicting goals. Sales teams might focus on immediate revenue, while marketing teams look at long-term brand building.
  • Insufficient Data Analysis: Collecting data is one thing; analyzing it to derive actionable insights is another. Many companies fail to invest the necessary resources into post-show analysis, leading to missed opportunities for improvement.
  • Bandwidth Issues: Trade show planning and execution require significant time and effort. Setting and tracking KPIs can fall by the wayside when teams are stretched to the brink.
Strategies for Overcoming These Challenges

To effectively leverage trade show metrics, consider these strategies:

  1. Start with Clear Goals: It’s OK, and very common, that sales and marketing have separate goals. The most important thing is to define what you want to achieve before you begin planning your trade show presence. Are you looking to increase lead generation? Drive brand awareness? Close sales? Your goals will dictate the metrics you need to track.
  2. Engage All Stakeholders: Ensure that everyone from the C-suite to the event management team is aligned on the objectives and understands their role in achieving them.
  3. Invest in Analytics: Use technology to your advantage. Invest in tools that can help you collect, analyze, and report on data in real-time.
  4. Review and Refine: After the trade show, conduct a thorough review of your performance against your KPIs. Identify what worked, what didn’t, and how you can improve for the next event.
Real-World Impact of Strategic Planning

By starting with a strategic foundation, Steelhead has helped clients achieve significant results. Sean Combs, CEO of Steelhead Productions, emphasizes the importance of clarity: “The very first step in trade show planning is to get crystal clear about what we're trying to achieve. Then we can really let the creativity flow from there.”

For example, a Steelhead client who focused on defining their KPIs and aligning their trade show strategy accordingly saw year-over-year revenue increases directly linked to their trade show efforts. They achieved significant success by calibrating their demo experience to align with revenue goals.

"We've been refining the demo experience, aligning it directly with our client's revenue goals. Now, in our fifth year, we've seen consistent year-over-year revenue increases as a result of this approach. Our teams are highly focused on executing the key metrics we've set, ensuring we deliver outstanding results,” said Sean. 


Effective trade show metrics are not just about measuring success but about creating a clear path to achieving it. By setting clear objectives, engaging stakeholders, investing in analytics, and continually refining your strategy, you can ensure that your trade show efforts deliver the desired results.

If you’re pumped about setting goals and metrics but don’t know where to start, contact us today. We’re here to help you transform your trade show strategy and leverage metrics to achieve your goals.

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